
Monday, June 25, 2012


March 28th, 2012

Dr. Masdinah Md Yusof
UHB 3042 Course Coordinator
Department of Modern Languages
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
81310 Skudai

Dear Dr. Masdinah,

I am submitting to you the recommendation report entitled “Setting up a MUNCHBURY STALL”, that you requested.

The report begins with an introduction consist of background, problem of statement, objectives and scope. The second section is describing the data between of two chocolates and biscuits based on their price, quality, life span, popularity and availability. It also includes discussion on every single category.  Then, it followed by a conclusion of a comparison between each chocolates and biscuits. The last section of the report is recommendation about the product that we decided to sale.

Since this is our first experience in venturing into a business, we enjoyed doing it very much. I representing my group member would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to you, for your patience and willing to help and conduct us in doing our project. I hope that you in turn would enjoy reading my report.

If you have any questions concerning to my report, please do not hesitate to contact me at 016-7422401.

Yours sincerely,

Mohd Hazril bin Seman

Enclosure: Report
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