
Monday, April 30, 2012

Declining application of cooking skill among PKPG students.

What do I want to know:   The reasons declining application of cooking skill among
                                           PKPG students.

Who:   PKPG students

Where: UTM, Johore Bharu

Why:   To encourage them to apply their cooking skill

Other relevant matters:  i.  To motivate them to improve their cooking skill
                                       ii. To encourage them to take more healthy food
                                       iii. Time and financial management

Problem statement:   PKPG students had learnt about food preparation, nutrition and food
                                  sanitation for three semesters in university. However, most of them
                                  do not used their cooking skill in their daily lives. They prefer to
                                  buy food from outside likes nasi campur or nasi lemak for their
                                  meal although, they are not staying in the hostel. They also
                                  still buy biscuits, cookies and cakes for special events or
                                  celebrations like birthday party, Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Deepavali.
          The purpose of the research is to determine the reasons for  
          declination of applying the cooking skill among the PKPG students
          in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The respondents of the research
          will be the PKPG students of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
          Cooking is fun and enjoyable. Besides, by cooking everyday they
          can improve their cooking skill. What will the PKPG
          students comment on their lack of application in cooking? And what    
          are the benefits of applying the cooking skill to their health, time
          and financial management?

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