
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The suggestion about the Mercedes-Benz.

I think the Mercedes-Benz car is a good car brands. The Mercedes-Benz car have a many advantages for example a good car quality. It because the manufacture of the frame car is from the higher quality product. That why many of rich man, businessman and stylish man choose this car brands.The Mercedes-Benz car is very comfortable and safety. They use Mercedes-Benz car will by society look. This car
Product classifications consumer products. The Mercedes-Benz car is a specialty products. It because Mercedes-Benz have a special purchase effort, high price, unique characteristics, brands identification and few purchase location.

Involve marketing has been four better:
Firstly the product is a anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption and that might satisfy a want or  a need. The supplier must be includes abouts physical object, services, person, place, organizations, ideas, combinations of the above and other all.

Secondly price, the Mercedes-Benz car price must be credible or logically more competition in market.The prices Mercedes-Benz car is high.

Third is a promotion, promotion is mass incentives communication technique that offers short-term to encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. Promotion is a rapid growth in the industry has been achieved because a product manegers are facing more pressure to increase their current sales and  companies face more competition.Futhermore, rapid growth in the Mercedez-Benz industry has been achieved because the advertising must be efficiency has declined and consumer have become more  deal oriented. I thimk maneger Mercedes-Benz car be promote the car in a television, internet, shopping complex and other all. It can a people know about this car promotion and a knowledge about the car brand.

The finally is a distribute, a set of interdependent organizations involved in the  processs of making a product or service available for use or comsumption by the consumer or business user. Marketing channel decisions are among the most important decisions that manegment faces and will directly affect every other marketing decision. The Mercedes-Benz car must be distribution channel suitable about everything products.

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