
Monday, March 21, 2011


ASEAN-OSHNET as an effective network in fostering a safe and healthy working environment to bring about a productive and competitive workforce, towards a better quality of life
      Beneficial cooperation and solidarity among the national OSH institutions of the ASEAN countries;
      High capability of national OSH institutions in OSH promotion, training and research;
      Free 'low of OSH information, particulary through utilisation of information and communication technology; and
      Harmonisation of OSH standards and guidelines

Strategic Action
  • Gathering and exchange of information on occupational safety and health (OSH), training courses and materials, appropriate technologies, the formulation and implementation of standards and guidelines, among others
  • Development of a regional OSH knowledge base which is relevant and responsive to the needs of ASEAN member countries
  • Matching of training needs with capabilities in the region through the secondment of experts and trainees, with a view to promoting mutual assistance and self – help
  • Cost – sharing and the lead sheperd approach in implementing OSHNET activities / projects
  • Research in collaboration with universities, specialized research institutions, private sectors, and relevant NGOs
  • Networking among OSH professional bodies
  • Articulation of ASEAN common position in response to international standards or policies
  • Mobilization of funding resources and technical assistance from ASEAN member contries, ASEAN’s dialogue partners and international agencies
  • Linkages with related ASEAN bodies, ASEAN dialogue partners, international agencies and private sector-based regional organisations, including labour unions, employers’ associations and OSH professional bodies
  • Dissemination of information on OSHNET activities to the public, OSH professionals and other interested parties.
Process Detail
Deciding Host Country
  1. If the host country in their turn can't host the Coordinating Board Meeting because of some reasons, they should send the formal letter to ASEAN OSHNET Secretariat at least 1 month after the CBM.
  2. Automatically the next member country in alphabetical order will become the host country.
  3. The Coordinating Board Meeting shall decides who will become the host country for the next meeting in alphabetical order

    1. Contacting Host Country
    The secretariat of ASEAN OSHNET send formal letter to host country for asking their confirmation to host the Coordinating Board Meeting for next period.

    2. Confirmation from Program Area Coordinator
    The host country then :
    a. Send confirmation letter to ASEAN OSHNET Secretariat
    b. In consultation with OSHNET Secretariat, select and prepare the venue of the meeting and arrange the following:
    i. local transportation, including airport pickup
    ii. local tours, if appropriate
    iii. protocol services, if appropriate
    iv. room reservation

    3. Preparation for the Meeting Area
    Performed by ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN OSHNET Secretariat

4. Secretariat Preparation

A. Coordinate with the host country /institution for meeting preparations and arrangements (venue, room reservation, invitation and confirmation of participants, protocol services, if appropriate, etc.
b. At least 3-4 weeks prior to the meeting, send out invitation letters to Member Countries, informing date and venue of meeting, and providing provisional agenda, programme of activities, general information and registration forms for participants.
c. Reminding Member Countries on follow-up action arosen from previous meeting
d. Prepare, in consultation with the ASEAN Secretariat, information and discussion papers for the respective agenda items (these will include progress of OSHNET activities, collaboration with interested donor agencies/countries, follow-up to the decisions of the previous meeting, etc.)

5. ASEAN Secretariat Preparation
a. Assist OSHNET Secretariat and Host Country in substantive meeting preparations
b. Assist OSHNET Secretariat in preparing the following:
i. Agenda of the Meeting
ii. Discussion Papers for the respective agenda items which includes progress of OSHNET activities, collaboration with interested donor agencies/countries, follow-up to the decisions of the previous meeting, etc·
c. Prepare Information Papers of the Agenda Items related to ASEAN policy or Dialogue Partner relations

6. Coordinating Board Meeting
Coordinating Board Meeting is held according to the schedule and venue which already agreed by all member countries.

7. Secretariat roles and responsibilities
a. Serve as rapporteur during the meeting. Prepare the meeting report
b. Supervise the local support secretariat for documentation during the Meeting, and for compilation of the final report.

8. Host Country roles and responsibilities
a. Provide organising costs (meeting room venue, coffee breaks, lunch and local transportation).
b. Provide the local secretariat for documentation during the Meeting, and for compilation of the final report·
c. Arrange and provide field/local trip for participants, if appropriate.

9. ASEAN Secretariat roles and responsibilities
Serve as resource person during the meeting and assist OSHNET Secretariat to prepare the meeting report

10. Follow Up Meeting Result
a. After the meeting, coordinate with Member Countries and the ASEAN Secretariat for relevant follow-up actions arising from the meeting.
b. Coordinate with Programme Coordinators on the preparation and circulation of project proposals
c. Prepare Press Releases for OSHNET activities, in coordination with Programme Area Coordinators·
d. Send The Meeting Report to the Chairman and Focal Points of ASCLA/SLOM/ALMM
e. Seek funding from ASEAN Dialogue Partners and others.

11. Follow Up Assistance
The ASEAN OSHNET Secretariat Should :
a. Assist OSHNET Secretariat in following up decisions of the meeting with Member Countries, as and when necessary.
b. Assist OSHNET Secretariat in seeking funding from Dialogue Partners

The ASEAN - OSHNET Secretariat and its function

To facilitate the approved programmes, the ASEAN - OSHNET Coordinating Board designate a Secretariat on a three year rotating basis.
The Board also appoints an Executive Director and staff of the Secretariat.
The ASEAN - OSHNET Secretariat has the following functions :
  1. Organize the Coordinating Board Meeting of ASEAN - OSHNET and all other meetings as directed by the Board
  2. Plan and organize programs, project and activities of the ASEAN - OSHNET
  3. Propose and develop a plan for sourcing and generating funds
  4. Coordinate, monitor and evaluate programs, projects and activities
  5. Assess and review periodically the accomplishment of the ASEAN - OSHNET; and
    Perform such other functions which may be assigned by the Coordinating Board from time to time.

The ASEAN - OSHNET Secretariat is headed by an Executive Director, assisted by professional staff.

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